

Internal and external efficiency

Unfortunately, we in the hotel and tourism industry are not among the winners in the “digital world”. There are many reasons for this development. It could be almost too late for a radical turnaround in the hotel industry. The dominance of the "big players" is simply too large and medium-sized companies hardly have a chance to compete against the big players alone. Examples are search engines, booking sites, social media groups or software developers. For this reason, the strategy should not be: "How can we do it without and against ...", but "How do we manage to be more successful with ...". I can report and consult from my own experiences, for example on digital processes that we have successfully implemented in various hotels. I'll show you how I use digitization in hotels to:

  • Optimise Reach
  • Gaining more customers
  • Generate more bookings
  • To record more sales
  • And thus to increase the profit.

Digitization has been very present in the last few decades, but Corona has activated the turbo lever since 2020. The hotel industry may have overslept the trend of the times and digitization in the past. BUT, there are still many departments, topics and work processes that can be optimized digitally. IT IS NOT TOO LATE! Both for external communication (online marketing) as well as for internal:

External for hotel customers:

  • Check-in / check-out
  • Communication
  • Generate more sales
  • Newsletter
  • Social Media
  • Commerce
  • Booking optimization
  • Search engine optimization
  • Room key replacement (mobile)
  • Control of temperature, electricity, sound, lights, tv in the hotel room
  • Menu functions on the television
  • Digital hotel folder
  • Functions from the smart home
  • and much more…

Internally in the hotel (Staff):

  • Personnel administration (duty roster / vacation schedule)
  • Warehouse management
  • Project planning
  • Communication
  • Evaluation of numbers
  • Paperless departments
  • and much more…