
Hardly any other branch of industry is as diverse as that of the hotel and restaurant industry. In a hotel, there is a wide range of different work areas, each of which requires in-depth specialist knowledge. In addition to optimizing work processes and checking profitability, professional advice also considers the areas of staffing, sales, and marketing. The hotel industry is comprised of numerous segments whose harmonious interplay is what makes success possible. Thanks to my many years of experience in the hotel industry, I am at your side with the necessary expertise regardless of whether you want to change your hotel operator, plan a hotel, acquire a hotel, or want to restructure your hotel. To be able to advise you as best as possible, I offer a wide range of services. This includes a careful analysis of the product and price policy as well as the examination and optimization of the existing communication and distribution channels. Of course, the efficient use of sales, marketing, and social media also comes into play here. In addition, budget planning and preparation are part of my portfolio as well as careful analysis of the budget you have already planned (sales, costs, goals). My scope of services is:

Hotel concepts & planning: concept development, feasibility studies, business plan, market analysis, evaluation of figures, investment planning, hotel planning (location, concept, details), idea planning, implementation

Hotel investments: sale a hotel or hospitality property, leasing, operator search, operator change, operational analysis, search for hotel properties, existing properties, land, hotel conversion, hotel renovation, hotel strategy & positioning, strategy consulting, positioning, target groups, hotel brands, hotel tenders

Operative Abteilungen Hotel & Gastronomie: weak point analysis, optimization of the hotel departments, efficiency, coaching of the departments, development of the processes in the company, evaluation of the operational plans, change management, costs, communication, quality, evaluation management (complaints), departments: housekeeping, front office, administration, marketing, sales, gastronomy

Hotel management: interim management (network available), coaching hotel management & operations management, turn-around management, reporting, budgets

Pre-openings & hotel openings: operational support pre-opening, administrative support pre-opening, sales & marketing support pre-opening

Personnel Personnel costs, rosters, personnel costs, personnel efficiency, hotel & catering processes, systems, personnel costs & efficiency, vacation plans, personnel responsibility & tasks, applications, job postings, personnel development

Figures & Revenue: budgets (sales & costs), purchasing & controlling checks, implementation of a controlling system, implementation reporting of facts and figures

Hotel prices: evaluation of hotel prices, hotel & catering price structure, revenue management systems, price strategy, up-sales in the hotel, sales concepts, distribution (GDS & Booking Engine)

Hotel Sales evaluation of sales channels, improvement of sales channels, sales calls, telephone marketing sales plan - annual plan, segments, trade fairs, target groups, representation

Marke & Vermarktung: Marken Entwicklung, Marken Analyse, Marken Strategie, Marketing Konzept, Social Media, Email Marketing, Werbung, Zielgruppen Marketing, Homepage, Online Marketing, Offline Marketing, Markenbindung

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Hotel Consulting