
Personnel - Staff

Find, motivate & develope

I would be happy to advise you on personnel planning and employee motivation:

Personnel deployment: The personnel selection must be optimally tailored to the type of your hotel or restaurant business. I will show you which personnel key you should use. You will also learn from me how you can recruit suitable and sufficiently qualified staff, how duty and vacation planning can be organized, and what you have to pay attention to in order to efficiently regulate responsibilities and optimally distribute the tasks. Finally, I will give you tips on cost planning for personnel deployment.

Employee motivation: Your staff is the most important factor in your hotel. Motivated employees who enjoy their work are the greatest asset of any company. Use the potential of your employees. I will help you to find out their strengths and weaknesses and make your staff an unbeatable team.

My consultations always focus on "people". Hospitality is a people's business. Successful hotel and gastronomy concepts only work in a team. And to successfully manage a hotel team you need respect, commitment and passion.