

Concept development: idea, planning, implementation

Regardless of whether you are realigning or remodeling your hotel or looking for potential investors to successfully implement your plans, you need a well-founded concept. I support you with the concept development and check your plans for profitability and feasibility. Even if you already have a concept for the realignment, I will help you expand or change it. This includes both the optimization of work processes and the focus on profitability. Because only those who keep an eye on their income and expenses will be successful in the long run. With a well-thought-out concept that is economically feasible, you are well prepared for the challenges that lie ahead and can focus on your plans for the future full of optimism.

During the concept development, I am at your disposal from the first idea through to the detailed analysis to the final implementation. I prepare processes and plan their implementation. I am also at your side during the implementation and control of the successful implementation in close consultation with you. Thanks to my many years of experience in the hotel industry, I not only have the necessary expertise but also an excellent network. With the involvement of hotel specialists and technical experts such as designers, interior decorators, fire protection planners, and architects, I can implement the developed concept according to your ideas and needs. Even short-term change requests can be implemented quickly in this way.

Key points in Concept Development

Before the actual planning can begin, the concept must be checked for profitability. There are a few key points to consider here. If the hotel is in financial distress, it must be checked whether selling the house is a promising option. In addition, the search for potential investors should be tackled. The creation of a professional business plan is essential for this. Thanks to my specialist knowledge, I carry out detailed market analyzes, which also includes consideration of the hotel location and its future development. In addition to extensive market analyzes, it is also important to examine the competitors more closely. What are their strengths and weaknesses? What can you learn from them and use for yourself? Here I work out the opportunities and risks that your project entails in order to be able to offer you a comprehensive overview of the feasibility and implementation of your concept.

Of course, detailed market analyzes also includes the consideration of your customer base. Who is staying with you? Would you like to expand your customer base and set up a wider range of products in your company? The definition and elaboration of the unique selling points of your hotel are also part of my core competencies. The special features of your house are of immense importance for successful concept development and are therefore an important part of professional hotel consulting.

Further services as a hotel consultant

If it is not about the creation or expansion of hotel concepts, I will also support you as a hotel consultant in general hotel management. My services include, among other things, the planning of personnel deployments, such as the creation of vacation plans, duty rosters, job advertisements, and the promotion of personnel development. Together with my team, I would be happy to evaluate applications, determine efficiency, and personnel costs. When it comes to hotel investments such as the sale and purchase of new real estate or the operator search and change of operator, I will also be at your side and support you individually. I can also help you work successfully with hotel renovations and hotel extensions. My services in the area of hotel management include individual interim management, turnaround management, and reporting as well as the analysis and preparation of budgets. If you are planning a pre-opening, I can assist you in this area with the operational and administrative support of this opening. Sales and marketing are also my strengths. As a hotel consultant, my tasks include the evaluation and improvement of the individual sales channels, the creation of individual target groups, and a sales plan. I also offer you the development of a marketing strategy and brand analysis, as well as the creation of complete marketing activities such as advertising, website, advertisements, promotions, and more. In addition, I support you in developing the right and worthwhile price structure for your house.

Prices & Consulting Fees